Welcome to the website of the NZ USAR Search Dog Association
This website has been developed for those who are interested in finding out more about these amazing dogs, those who are interested in training a dog and those who are already involved. We hope you can all find something useful on here. The NZ USAR Search Dog Association is committed to the development of a USAR search dog capability for New Zealand. USAR search dogs are a unique and incredibly valuable resource in the location of people trapped following the collapse of structures eg following earthquakes, tornados, landslides and other natural and man-made disasters. The fast and effective location of trapped victims has a major effect on their chances of rescue and recovery. The overall goal is to have operational (certified) handlers and dogs available throughout New Zealand. For a list of our operational teams please click here.

USAR Search Dog handlers in New Zealand are all volunteers. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, from firefighters to computer programmers. What they share is basic fitness, the ability to work in a team, the desire to serve the wider community and a dedication to the development of USAR Search Dogs.
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Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Search Dogs are unique and incredibly valuable as a resource in the location of people trapped following the collapse of structures. The fast and effective location of trapped victims increases their chances of rescue and recovery.
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The Teams are split between 3 regions of New Zealand - Northern, Central and Southern. Read about our current and past handlers and search dogs.
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